
Our Mission

Grow Gainesville’s Mission:

Sharing Skills to encourage a sustainable lifestyle with a focus on growing FOOD.

Grow Gainesville exists to encourage the communal aspects of homesteading skills that promote self-sufficiency and sustainability, while making that growing part a little easier, too. Our aim as a network is to help connect gardeners & homesteaders on-line and face to face; to provide the supplies, resources, and access to knowledge needed to grow food in the city and nearby areas.


Our Vision

Grow Gainesville!

GG is a broad-based community of local people sharing skills and knowledge to create a sustainable future.

Everyone’s input is valuable. We are committed to these principles:

• Courtesy
• Cooperation
• Friendliness
• Kindness
• Respect
• Service
• Unity



G6 - Grow Gainesville Give-and-Get Garden Gatherings

Grow Gainesville Give-and-Get Garden Gatherings (G6) Events

  • This is our new collaborative gardening program where Grow Gainesville give gardening help in other member or community gardens through a G6 event and in return earn points to get help in their own garden through their own G6 event.
  • Point system: one point is earned per hour donated helping in another garden through a designated G6 event.
  • Two points are earned for hosting a garden tour, ESW, and being a 3rdMM speaker
  • The accumulation of ten points earns a G6 event
  • To kick start the program we are going to backdate point earnings to January 2024. All 2024 garden tour hosts, ESW presenters, and 3rdMM speakers will earn two points.
  • The first opportunity to earn points through garden help will be at the VFW on July 13, 2024.
  • There will be a sign in sheet at each G6 event. The sheet will be sent by a representative (LT or guardian) to Josh to add to a spreadsheet that is uneditable by others (can be viewed but not edited).

Bullet Point Guidelines for Participation

Bullet Point Guidelines for Participation

  1. We are LOCAL to Gainesville, Florida and the surrounding areas (50 mile radius).
  2. Our focus is food production (no ornamental plants).
  3. Posts about polarizing topics (social activism, politics, etc.) are prohibited.
  4. Promoting and/or sharing invasive plants is prohibited.
  5. Keep the conversations civil.
  6. Grow Gainesville is about OUR OWN efforts. Pinterest-type images, memes, and links are prohibited.
  7. Selling is prohibited, whether as an individual, business, or organization.
  8. Do not share posts outside of Grow Gainesville.
  9. No business or community organization can post to the Grow Gainesville discussion feed.
  10. Community events can be posted by an individual if the event is free, local, and food production-related.
  11. Keep discussions on the page instead of moving to PM.

Deleting posts & comments is at the discretion of the Admins. Members can be blocked for violation of these guidelines.
However you grow, Keep Growing, Gainesville!

Within the GROW GAINESVILLE community

1. We are specifically LOCAL to Gainesville – beyond a 50* mile radius weather, soil, experience is vastly different.

2. GG doesn’t do politics, religion, or social activism. This includes, but is not limited to, GMOs, Monsanto, food labeling laws, local elections, local protests, and/or any commentary not related to growing our own food locally. Posts related to these topics will be automatically deleted.

3. Keep the conversations civil. Remember sarcasm and ironies don’t translate into plain text. Negativity, distain, personal attacks, and snark are hurtful and are unhelpful to the individual as well as the group.

4. Keep the comments/threads succinct. If another terrific topic gets going, start a new thread.

5. We don’t do non-food/inedibles – That includes non-food related events. We have ‘offshoot’ groups you can join to discuss these topics. We talk about Food production, seeds, pollinators, pests, beneficials, and yes meat – anything to do with production, growing, harvesting, eating, celebrating FOOD is not only allowed but encouraged. For ornamental plants, join Gainesville Ornamental Gardeners. For more on food, join Grub Gainesville. For animal ID, join Gainesville Nature Watch.

a. Discussions of growing and processing your own meat are acceptable. However, all animal slaughter/processing photos must be added in the comments of a post, rather than in the main body of the post. Posts of photos of animal processing/slaughter in the main body of the post will be deleted. For more on meat, join the Gainesville Meat Collective.

6. Grow Gainesville is specifically about the experience, questions and answers of what we are experiencing in our own backyards. Images of OUR OWN efforts are a vital part of GG so keep them coming. Images from outside sources are prohibited (this includes Pinterest-type images) and will be deleted. 

7. Initial Membership Approval

Potential members within 50 miles of Gainesville will be automatically accepted.

a. Potential members who are outside of 50 miles, or whose profiles are set to private so that Admins cannot determine the member's location, must send a private message explaining their interest and location.
b. Obvious sales, illegal activities, guns, are blocked

8. Deleting posts & threads is at the discretion of the Admins.

9. Selling: You can sell or trade as a participatory member of Grow Gainesville, if the item is growing- or food-production-related, but not as a non-active member. Sales must also make up only a very small part of a member’s participation in the group. Advertising rental property or home sales is not allowed. For rental property or home sales, join the Alachua County Permaculture Guild or Permaculture Florida. For additional sales, join the Gainesville Area Barter Group.

10. Member Banning: Members can be banned for violation of these guidelines at the discretion of the Admins.

*If you’d like to add a rule, if you have questions about the rules, or if you’d like to discuss any of this with the Admins, please send a PM.
However you grow, Keep Growing, Gainesville,
Your Administrators